Goodbye 2013. Hello 2014.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013 | 22:22 | 0 comments
Been an eventful year I would say. Full of ups and downs. Had the feeling of "fml" every now and then. Made a number of friends and broke a few friendships. Some can never be called friends, let's just keep it as acquaintances.Lost myself in the realm of love and am still trying to find myself back. It was indeed a bad year/period but am glad it is slowly clearing out now. Perhaps it's true. I have no idea what "Love" is. But there is one thing I learned from it - There is only so much you can trust in a certain person.
And I would say, give a person 2 months. You will see his/her true characters.
2013 has indeed been a real quick year. It's like, the beginning was only yesterday.
Of course, I started 2013 with a BANG - chicken pox. Oh well yes, was having my virgin trip to Bangkok and started having blisters, then they burst, pain at my joints and also being very restless. Nonetheless survived the 4 days in BKK and returned home.
Truth be told, I was actually quite excited to be having chicken pox at the age of 21 (i was still 21 then) because it was my first time having it! and yeah, having to fight the scars now.
then came the time where i chopped off my tresses to a short bob! It was quite popular among my colleagues at the beginning of the year. Wanted to find closure and there was a bad scar on the left of my face (which i couldn't apply makeup on). Prior to this, I had always been wanting to test out short hair.
Glad I made the decision to cut it. Refreshing look and somehow, grew more confident with it. I never once regretted cutting it except now, I really miss my long hair.
Didn't manage to spend CNY in Singapore this year. Then again, it wouldn't have made a big difference because I don't have much relatives in SG. Just that, I still rather hoped that I would be in Singapore than to be overseas.
Okay, then came the time where I injured my ankle. I still have no idea how to describe how it happened. I was just making my way to the washroom, placed my right foot on the steps and *prak*, I landed on the steps. Heard the loud cracking of my bone and hit my tailbone. It hurt so badly that I just cried on the spot. But hor, I made my way back to the theatre to continue my movie - Despicable Me 2. I still can't believe I sat through a comedy movie but was unable to laugh because it just hurt so badly. And yes, I fell in slippers.
It's all over now apart from the fact that it will hurt occasionally and when the weather turns cold.
So grounded for a whole 3 months just for that minor fracture. Glad for all my kind friends then. Genuinely thanking all of you from my heart.
Modeling/events was what I used to love but just didn't have the luck and time for it. One other thing, I just couldn't be bothered to put in too much effort due to my career. But still glad for agents who gave me the chance during that short period of time. At least I managed to earn a little for my expenses. I know, many talents wouldn't be agreeing with me on this - that I am doing it for money instead of passion. But people change, don't they? My passion is still there but I wouldn't want to make it my main occupation/focus in life.

Did my first ever solo trip overseas - HKG!
Wanted some self time alone and I did ask around if anyone wanted to join but just no reply.
I was pretty glad I did the trip though it didn't feel any much different from how I am when outstation. Okay, at least when you're outstation, there are colleagues for you to talk to, have dinner with and hang out with?
So, I ate alone, did people watching, roamed the streets, tried figuring out locations and survived with my half-baked cantonese!
Bade goodbye to the life of living out of a luggage. I'm pretty sure I will miss it. In fact, I am already missing it.
I have no idea what 2014 holds for me but I'm pretty much looking forward to it and be part of the organisation which has been in the limelight quite lately.
I am giving myself a huge challenge in 2014. It might seem easy but I've been told by many it isn't going to be. Still, gonna challenge myself. If I get through it, it's a challenge conquered. If I don't, at least I tried.
As for friendships, I do hope to remain in contact with all the friends I made in 2013 and hopefully, aim for more meetups in 2014.
For health, I definitely do wish it will be way way way better than how it was in 2013.
For family, as long as all are safe. That's all I wish for.
For Love, there's nothing much I would wish for. I actually forsee how it would be from now on.
Resolution for 2014? Be happy in whatever I undertake.
Don't let yesterday take up too much of today, for life is too short to be anything but happy.
Picked today to discard things I didn't need and gave my study desk a good clean up.
What took place in 2013 shall remain in 2013. Embracing 2014 with the highest level of faith one can ever have.
and you know what I learned in 2013/from my prev career?
you can't do anything much about things that happen. Some take place too quickly, some take place unexpectedly. The only thing you can do, is to learn from it.
it's a great number 13 14. Celebrate the new year with your loved ones! (: