♥ vogue.
"Don't ask the question you don't want to know the answer of."
Tuesday, 6 January 2015 | 22:51 | 0 comments
Really didn't think I will return to blogging. Been 9 months since the last post. A great deal has taken place within this 9 months. It's a new year to begin with.

Reading through the previous entries, I find a great change in myself. I don't know if I acted it out back then but I really felt myself way stronger as compared to now. Got off the phone with a friend and I said, "I don't know what's wrong with me recently. Even a simple thing as laughing today, I almost ended up crying." I want the strong me back, where did it go to? 是不是经历的越多就更软弱?Why have I allowed myself to be easily affected? If this was a case study to study, I will close it as communication breakdown. Communication can only take place with trust and strong relationship. It is a triangle. With any gone, it is broken.

Been through another break up. It has been hard. Really tough. 从陌生人变成朋友, 成为情侣再到今天熟悉的陌生人。这感受真的不好。It has been a rough patch. I got my time away, you had your answer and got your freedom. As long as you are happy.

There are things that I don't think I will get accustomed to during this period of time but give time some time, I believe I can.

To be honest with myself, I know I've been feeling really really really sad these days, or rather, the past 2 months.
The only note I can make to myself has been made and I will stick by it.

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